How to get a gun in Palworld

you are curious about how to get a gun in Palworld. While the promise of wielding shotguns, assault rifles, and more may entice players, obtaining these firearms requires patience and strategy. Let’s delve into the world of Palworld guns and uncover how to arm yourself and your Pals.

How to get a gun in Palworld

Unlocking Palworld Guns: A Gradual Progression

Palworld guns are a cornerstone of the gameplay experience, offering players a diverse arsenal to tackle challenges. From standard firearms for players to specialized Pal Equipment and mounted weaponry for base defence, the path to obtaining guns is multifaceted.

How to get a gun in Palworld

As players progress through Palworld, they’ll gradually unlock access to various firearms by leveling up and investing technology points into the appropriate branches of the technology tree. This progression unfolds over time, with more potent weapons becoming available as players advance:

How to get a gun in Palworld

Gun Level Required |
Old Bow 3
Fire Bow 5
Poison Bow 8
Three Shot Bow 10
Crossbow 13
Fire Arrow Crossbow 15
Poison Arrow Crossbow 17
Musket 21
Makeshift Handgun 25
Handgun 29
Frag Grenade 31
Single Shot Rifle 36
Double Barrelled Shotgun 39
Pump Action Shotgun 42
Assault Rifle 45
Rocket Launcher 49

Players must not only unlock the recipes for these weapons but also craft them, along with their ammunition, at their base. The process underscores the strategic investment required to wield firepower effectively.

Equipping Pals with Guns:

In addition to arming themselves, players can equip their Pals with firearms, enhancing their combat capabilities. By unlocking specialized Pal Equipment on the technology tree and crafting them, players empower their Pals with triggered abilities tied to firearms.

For instance, players can empower a Lifmunk with the Lifmunk Submachine Gun, granting it the Lifmunk Recoil ability. This allows the Lifmunk to leap onto the player’s head and unleash SMG fire at the player’s target—a formidable asset in battle.

How to get a gun in Palworld

Utilizing Base Defences:

Furthermore, players can fortify their bases with mounted weaponry, providing additional firepower against hostile threats. These mounted weapons, such as the Mounted Crossbow and Mounted Missile Launcher, become available as players progress through the technology tree.

Once constructed, players can assign Pals to operate these defences, effectively bolstering their base’s security and deterring adversaries.

Conclusion: Embracing Palworld’s Arsenal:

In Palworld, guns represent not just tools of destruction, but strategic assets that shape the course of your adventure. By understanding the gradual progression of obtaining firearms, equipping Pals with specialized gear, and fortifying base defences, players can harness the full potential of Palworld guns and emerge victorious in the face of adversity.

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