How to fast travel in Palworld

In the expansive world of Palworld, getting from point A to point B efficiently can make all the difference in your adventure. Fortunately, Palworld offers a convenient fast travel system that allows players to zip across the map with ease. Let’s delve into how to utilize fast travel in Palworld.

how to fast travel in palworld

Unlocking Palworld’s Fast Travel System:

Fast travel in Palworld revolves around two main components: pillar statues and your own Base’s Palboxes. While the system may not be immediately apparent to new players, mastering it can significantly streamline your gameplay experience.

How to Fast Travel in Palworld:

The journey begins as soon as you set foot in Palworld. Within minutes, you’ll encounter an orange pillar, signalling the entrance to Palworld’s fast travel network. Activating this pillar initiates your introduction to fast travel. However, standalone pillars are limited in utility, and you’ll need to explore further to unlock more fast travel points.

As you explore, keep an eye out for blue-winged icons on your map—these signify activated fast travel points. By activating additional pillars scattered throughout the world, you expand your fast travel network and gain access to convenient shortcuts.

Navigating the Map:

Palworld’s fast travel points initially appear as orange pillars but transform into blue markers once activated. Due to their sometimes obscured visibility amidst terrain and foliage, consulting your map is essential. Not only does the map highlight nearby points of interest, but it can also reveal overlooked fast travel pillars, allowing for seamless travel.

Additionally, towers that emerge after defeating bosses often harbor fast travel points atop them, offering strategic shortcuts for intrepid adventurers. Furthermore, your Palbox—a central terminal found at your bases—serves as a hub for fast travel, granting you the ability to teleport to various locations effortlessly.


Mastering fast travel in Palworld is essential for optimizing your exploration and adventure. By leveraging pillar statues, Palboxes, and strategic map navigation, you can traverse the vast landscapes of Palworld with ease, unlocking new opportunities and discoveries along the way.

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