Legend of Mushroom Best Classes Tier and Skills (2024)

Finding Legend of Mushroom Best Classes Tier or Legend of Mushroom Tier List ? is difficult now but legend of mushroom best skills are also very import. This mobile game is really popular in gaming society because it’s cute and easy to play. As you improve your mushroom and level up you skill, you’ll want to know which class is the best way to do this. Our list will make it easier for you to choose your goal. lets dive to legend of mushroom best evolution tier to find the it.

Legend of Mushroom Best Classes

Legend of Mushroom Best Classes Tier List

Ranking Class Name
S Swordsman, Prophet, Axe Warrior, Beserker,Darklord,  Martial Sage, Warbringer, Sacred Hunter, Plume Monarch,
A Shadow Sniper, Adventurer, Warmonger,   Claymore Wielder, Berserker, Sharpshooter, Shadow Hunter, Swordmaster
B Wind Crossbower, Healer,Archer, Spellcaster, Mage, Dual Crossbower, Choronamncer, Storm Priest
C Shroomie, Holy Guide, Bishop, Arrowgod

Take a look at the chart above to see the complete ranking of all available classes in Legend of Mushroom. The top classes in the S and A tiers are powerful upgrades, but they take a long time to unlock through hard work.

If you’re a casual player, Swordsman and Axe Warrior are more practical choices. They’re advanced in the evolution chart we’ll talk about later, but they don’t need as much in-game progress to obtain.

The Swordsman is an upgraded version of the basic Shroomie unit at level 50. It has a powerful Counter attack and naturally high DEF stat. As you progress to tougher stages with more frequent and powerful enemies, having strong armor becomes crucial.

The Axe Warrior, also a level 50 upgrade from Shroomie, is even sturdier than the Swordsman. Its Cocklebur Dance skill deals a whopping 1270% AoE damage to all enemies on the screen, making it ideal for finishing off a boss fight.

How to Get New Classes in Legend of Mushroom

In Legend of Mushroom, unlike many other gacha games that we have played before, there’s no typical gacha system. Instead, the only way to discover new classes is by following upgrade paths that we are providing to you, all starting from the base Shroomie class is best way.

To unlock each upgrade, you need to reach specific character levels first. then Initially, you upgrade Shroomie to Adventurer at level 15. after that level 30, you choose between Warrior, Archer, or Mage. This decision leads to different paths: melee, ranged, or magic. Subsequent upgrades happen at level 50, level 70, level 100, and when you achieve the Awaken milestone in this.

Since it’s a linear upgrade tree at time you pick Warrior, Archer, or Mage, you’re committed to that path. and please choice wisely because the only alternative is to start Legend of Mushroom from the start.


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How do I level up in Legend of Mushroom?

Getting better in the game needs time but you need to keep playing and beat levels and bosses to earn XP in this game. When you reach levels 15, 30, 50, 70, and 100, your Shroomie turns into a very different type of character. You can pick upgrades from a skill tree, so choose wisely between Mage, Warrior, and Archer, because once you decide, you are confuse about it.

Here are the promotions your Shroomie can get to start better.

At level 15, you become an Adventurer.
level 30, you can pick Warrior, Archer, or Mage.
So level 50, Warriors can choose Swordsman or Axe Warrior, Archers can choose Shadow Sniper or Wind Crossbower, and Mages will choose Healer or Spellcaster and all you know
At level 70, Swordsman will become Claymore Wielder, Axe Warriors can become Berserkers, Shadow Snipers can become Sharpshooters, Wind Crossbowers can become Dual Crossbowers, Healers can become Chronomancers, and Spellcasters can become Storm Priests.
At level 100, you can transform into a human shape choosing male or female so
Swordsmen can become Swordmasters, Berserkers can become Warmongers, Sharpshooters can become Shadow Hunters, Dual Crossbowers can become Arrowgods, Healers can become Holy Guides, and Spellcasters will be become Bishops in this game of wonder
After level 100 we will awaken your character more is
Swordmasters can become Martial Sages, Warmongers can become Warbringers, Shadow Hunters can become Sacred Hunters, Arrowgods can become Plume Monarchs and Holy Guides can become Prophets and Bishops will become Darklords.

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